Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vikings, trolls & polar bears

 Vikings, trolls & polar bears

Geiranger fiord

(No, we didn’t see any of the above, alive at least!)

A trip on the coastal express up the coast of Norway, 2,600 kms from Bergen to Kirkenes. Stunning weather, blue seas, blue skies & a glimpse of the Northern Lights.

In the past the route was a lifeline for all these communities & today the ships still deliver goods up & down the coast.

Seven sisters & the Geiranger pass

Beware of trolls!

Christmas tree house! Soil is placed on the roof where plants germinate & insulate the house

Our ship was old & no stabilizers, but thankfully the sea was calm. the food was amazing - fish - yum!


Kirkenes, 300 kms N of the Arctic Circle. Blue sky & 16 degrees!

Back to Oslo & its piece de resistance is the new Opera house. Controversial during its building (sounds familiar?!) its now hugely popular & attracts thousands of visitors.

Before Norway we spent some time in Sweden & also a day across the water in Copenhagen. Some more beautiful buildings.
Black diamond - library Copenhagen

Opera house, Copenhagen
And of course Nvhaven

I learnt about the closing of the Netherlands Zuiderzee in school but actually seeing the dam was another thrill. Built in 1933 & 32 kms long separating the Ijsselmeer (fresh water) from the North Sea & creating & protecting thousands of square kilometre of land.

That’s all folks! Farewell until the next episode!